
Monday, January 17, 2022



Gwadar is a port city of Pakistan; it has natural deep-water terrain along its border to build the port. the region of Gwadar which is 170 sqkm was owned by kingdom of mascot and Oman. In 1954 American geological survey find its hidden potential, so in 1958 Pakistan bought this piece of land adjacent to their border from Oman, but due to political instability they could not develop this port.in 2013 Pakistan made an agreement with Chinese government to develop this port and road from China to Gwadar as a part op their one road one belt initiative, and name this project as CPEC. From that on Gwadar city development is going on a very fast pace. This is a very crucial and strategic location for Pakistan, because of which, the Baloch separatist groups have attacked it multiple times to hinder its development. The security of this mega project is handled by Pak Army.

Places for visit: -

Gwadar has very beautiful places to visit, Marine drive, it is a road on the bank of the Arabian sea in Gwadar city people often go there to enjoy the walk-in sea breeze. Pakistan army has recently constructed a cricket stadium in Gwadar in the leap of Mount Batil, it views is majestic. This stadium was given the most beautiful cricket stadium in the world because of its natural beauty features. Another view point is on the top of Mount Batil, where the Pakistani flag waves all year around, this point is known as Flag Post, to go there you have to go through the military check point, and to pass that you do need a recommendation from the authorities, it a hassle but its worth the effort because the view you get from the top Mount Batil is extraordinary. You can pretty much see the whole of Gwadar city and the sea.

Boat building: -

Another attraction for tourist is the boat building site, where you will find locals building small to large wooden boats, it very mesmerizing to see getting every thing done with hand. Some of the larger boat take a year to build completely.

Omani Fort: -

Another imported place at Gwadar which is worth visiting are the Omani Forts, which are hundreds of years old, but they are not preserved by the authorities and look like an abandoned place, still it gives an aura of longevity, you can even find the old abandoned canons in the fort. one bigger fort has a proper entering but other one doesn’t have one, you will have to climb through the window which is 9 feet above the ground.

Beaches: -

Another tourist attraction is the hammerhead beach and the turtle beach, it is called turtle beach because in breeding season turtles came here to lay eggs, their number has decreased due to global warming and increased footfall but they still come. People go there to watch the sun set; it is called the best place to watch sun set in Gwadar.

Tips: -

Gwadar is quiet far from any other big city, and there is not a lot of infrastructure along the way, so when you are leaving for Gwadar make sure your transport vehicle is in good condition, you have the spare tires and your fuel tank is full. Also buy or bring some food to eat along the way. Gwadar is 650Km away from Karachi so it is not very economical to go on your own transport, it is better to go through the tour agency, for that I would recommend tour.pk, where you can easily find the most reasonable and affordable package. this place is worth the effort to visit.

National Parks in Baluchistan


 Hangol National Park: -

Hangol National Park is the largest national park of Pakistan located near Makran coastal line. Its area is 6100 square kilometers. Its unique feature is that it is consist of six different ecosystems in this small area, it has desert, forest, river, streams and cost line. It is home to some extremely endangered wildlife that is not found anywhere on earth, for example you can find blind dolphin in its coastal region which is unique to this region. Green and olive turtles came to the beach everyday in the month of august to lay their eggs but recently due to climate change and pollution their numbers are decreasing. Its ponds and water bodies became a stop for migratory birds in migration season. Its swamps are also home to some 60 crocodiles. It is home to 257 plant species and 289 animal species. Some of the animals living here includes Persian leopard, Indian wolf, golden jackal, stripped hyena, Sindh ibex, urial, vultures, eagles etc.

This National Park is also famous for its unique rock formations, among which the most famous are the princess of hope, which look like a woman standing and looking at the distant sea, its name was given by Angelina Julie when she came to Pakistan to on UN humanitarian mission, and second is the Balochi sphinx which look like a lion sitting exactly like the one built in Egypt. Nani Mandir is one of the most famous destinations for Hindu’s pilgrimage, 250,000 Hindus came every spring to visit and pray in this temple.20 to 30 thousand people are reported to attend the annual event each year.  This temple is reported to be thousands of years old.

Hazarganji-chiltal National Park


Hazarganji Chiltan National Park is a national park in the Mastung District. This National Park was established in 1980 to provide a safe habitat to the chiltan ibex found in the area to save them from the hunters and poachers. It is spread over 327000 acres of land, and it is only 20 Km away from the provincial capital of Baluchistan, Quetta. This park is located in Suleiman Mountain range, it has two types of eco systems, which are desert and Forest. Wild life in this National Park consists of 30 species of mammals and 30 species of reptiles, which consist of shikra, golden eagle, ibex, vultures, wolf, jackals etc. in the protection of these sanctuaries endangered species are flourishing and growing well. Management should make sure to protect the ecosystem from any kind of foreign invasive species.

Some of its area is open for short safari ride, people who visit Quetta, definitely go to Hanna lake and Hazargangi national park. They have a restaurant their to serve the visitors.

Ziarat juniper forest: -

Ziarat is home to biggest forest of juniper in Pakistan. Its mountains are covered in juniper forest because the juniper tree grow in the altitude of 2000 to 3000 meters from the sea level, where the temperature is cold and the climate is arid. This forest is spread across 113,000 hectors of land. The locals of ziarat have been using this forest as the source of fire wood and timber for centuries but now with the increase of population the forest can’t keep up with the demand and it is being consumed faster than it is replenishing itself. The government of Pakistan has declared it as a national heritage to protect it from being destroyed because some of the trees here are 6000 to 7000 years old because of this they are also known as living fossils. It is also home to some the rare sub species of juniper such as Pashtun juniper.      

Most famous tourist destinations in Baluchistan


Baluchistan is the biggest province of Pakistan consisting up of 44% of its total area, but it is scarcely populated because of which it severely lacks in infrastructure. It is rich in natural beauty, wildlife, mountains and many other resources but due to lack of roads very few of its beautiful locations can be accessed by people. Recently Pakistan government has started to give focus to the tourism industry so we can hope that they will do their part to make these locations accessible to people.

Hanna lake: -

Hanna lake is one of the most famous lake in Baluchistan. It is located 16 kilometers from city of Quetta. Due to easy accessibility many people got there to visit. There is an also a restaurant on the bank ok lake where to can eat under the shadow of huge pine trees. This lake was built by the British in 1890 as a fresh water reservoir. From 2000 -2010 the lake became dry effecting the local wildlife and migratory birds and later in 2011 it was refilled.

Astola island: -

It is small island of 6.7 square kilometer located 39 kilometers from the port of Pasni. It is an inhabited island, its terrain is very tough, its bank is like a steep wall in the sea. Its significance is that it is the only island of Pakistan.


Ziarat city is located in ziarat district,126km away from provincial capital Baluchistan. It has a mountainous region covered in sanober forest. Its climate is cool in summer and is covered in a layer of white snow in winter. It is famous for the Quaid-e-Azam residency where Muhammad Ali Jinnah spend his last two and half month of his life. This place has been turned into a museum; People come here to visit the house to see how Quaid-e-Azam used to live. It also contains the art gallery filled with Jinnah’s and his family rare pictures. Ziarat is also famous for its apple groves and the hospitality that the locals offer.


Gwadar is a coastal city of Baluchistan, Located at the bank of Arabian sea, 650 km away from Karachi. This city is famous for its sea view. It was a neglected region, just in past decade the development started to take pace due to agreement with China for the city development and its port. It has a beautiful coast line. Most famous beaches of Gwadar are hammerhead beach and Turtle beach, whose name came from the turtles that there every year to lay their eggs. Main occupation of locals is fishing, so it is also famous for its local sea food. Pakistan army constructed a cricket stadium in the basin highest peak Mount batil, which was declared as the most beautiful stadium in the world. It is also famous for the Omani forts and boat building facilities.

Hingol National Park: -

It is the Pakistan biggest National Park with the area of 6100 square kilometer. It is home some very rare wildlife and plants unique to hingol. Most unique thing about this national Park is that has six completely different ecosystems, which contains sea, desert, forest mountains, river, streams and vast plains. Apart from that Hingol is famous for it unique rock formations, you can find there a stone looking like a lady standing an looking in the distant named the princess of hope. You can see a naturally formed sphinx from the rock which exactly look like the sphinx in Egypt built by pharos. It is also famous for its kali Mata Mandir which is estimated to be thousands of year old, every year 20000 to 30000 Hindus gather in the center of hangul park to par





Region of Ziarat was a part of Sibi District but in 1986 it was declared to be a separate district. It is a place rich in natural beauty. It is mostly a mountainous region filled with snober forest. It contains the biggest forest of snober trees in Pakistan and second largest in the world with the area of 113,000 hectors. It is also extremely rich in wild life as well. Due to its height from sea level the region is mildly cold in summer and cover in snow in winter, it has continental climate. The people of ziarat are extremely welcoming, people visiting ziarat often mention their polite attitude and hospitality. It is land of apple fruit groves; locals often invite visitors passing by to their groves to eat apples and other fruits as much as they like. You can easily find a fruit tree in the wild as well.

Quaid Residency: -


Ziarat is also famous for the Quaid-e-Azam residency also known as Ziarat residency where Muhammad Ali Jinnah spend land two and half moths of his life. This place also has an history of its own, in July 2013 it became a target of a terrorist rocket attack and a lot of its structure was destroyed but it was later rebuilt and inaugurated by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. It is preserved the way it used to during Jinnah’s stay. This residence also has its own art gallery consisting of some very rare pictures of    Quaid-e-Azam and his family. Many people know ziarat because of this residency. It has been given the status of national heritage.

Zero Point: -

Another famous visiting point in ziarat is zero point, it is the highest peak in ziarat, from where you can see a lot of mountain tops and view is really eye catching. The journey to zero point is also very interesting as well because it consists of very steep road, and on the way, you can find a very famous stay point, where, there is tree which is hundreds of years old and it looks exactly like it written Allah in Arabic, many people go to visit this location. The region of ziarat has a lot more to offer to its visitors but due to limited infrastructure, especially road people can’t reach to locations because to mountainous terrain.

Tips and Tricks: -

Mostly people go to ziarat from Quetta, provincial capital of Baluchistan. And its is approximately 126 Km away from Quetta which took roughly 3 hours to reach their and there are not a lot of facilities along the way, so if you are going on your own transport make sure to check air in your car tires, make sure you a spare tire and tools for any case of emergency. You should have your fuel tank full and you should also buy some food to eat along the way. It is a place worth going. Or you can book a trip through trip.pk it will be extremely economic and secondly you will not have to worry about any thing because it will be taken care off by the trip organizers. To enjoys some of the view that you normally can’t I would suggest you bring a drone with you for the ariel shot because the beauty of this terrain from the ariel view in believable. If you are travelling from Punjab or any other place to ziarat make sure that you dress and pack things according to the weather in ziarat. Apart from Ziarat city, other regions are scarcely populated, and because of rough terrain some time mobile signals don’t work their so it better if get a map or plan before hand, the locations you want to visit and plan accordingly, or hire a local tour guide.

Kartarpur Corridor


History and introduction: -

Kantipur gurdwara is a religious place for Sikhs, that where the founder of their religion Guru Nanak lived 18 years of his life and also drew his last beath. During hasty Indo-Pak partition this location ended up within Pakistan borders. Against which Sikhs protested but to no avail. In 2018 after coming into power, Imran khan, as a prime minister of Pakistan gave a special status to this site such that Sikhs from the Indian side can visit this religious location without visa. Sikhs give credit for this to friendship of Imran khan and Navjot Singh Sidhu and consider it as a symbol of peace between Pakistan and India. The political effect of this Imran khan move has proven to be better than expected, it helped to improve the Pakistan image on the global level as a peace-loving nation. This initiative created a soft corner for Pakistan in heart of many Indians especially Sikhs across the globe.

This place is also open for other people as well, people from both countries can go to visit it. More than three thousand tourists visit this place every day, and in even bigger numbers on weekends and even greater on religious events.

Infrastructure: -

The infrastructure of Kartarpur was upgraded after upraising its status. It has huge building, completely white which can accommodate thousands of people. All the old Important infrastructure is also kept preserved such as the well that guru Nanak used, the land he used to agriculture, they have also preserved the things that guru Nanak used in his daily life for the people to see. Many people other than Sikhs visit this place just to see it beauty and to meet the people from other side of border. This is the only place in Pakistan where you can meet people from across border physically. This place also has top level security to make sure that no visitor goes outside of authorized area.


They have also built a huge langar Khanna which provide food for the visitors free of cost and mostly people work there for free, just to serve the other. Kartarpur Gurdwara also own a lot of land in its surrounding, approximately 340 (kille). A lot of food served there is grown on its own land. There are quite a few tour guides who guide the tourist around the sacred locations. Tour guides are all Pakistani Sikhs and are not allowed to receive any tips. There are swimming pools where yatrees take bath before entering the premises of gurdwara because it is the Sikh practice that they don’t enter gurdwara without complete ablution if they have eaten meat of egg because they believe that it is disrespectful to their religion.

 Tourist and Its Global Impact: -

As the Sikh’s are spread across the globe so a lot of people abroad get to know about this, and it has become a tourist spot for all the travelers, vloggers and influencers. You can find a lot of videos on internet where you will find foreign influencers interacting with the Pakistani staff at kartarpur to show that how welcoming they are. You will find all the Sikh’s praising Imran Khan for this initiative and the attitude of the Pakistanis there who visit Kartarpur, this changes the images that was portrays on media that Pakistanis hate Indian and so-so.

Booking a Tour: -

A lot for tour agencies provides a day tour to kartarpur, you can visit tour.pk and find a reasonable tour package from Lahore. They have also started tour package from Islamabad to kartarpur for just 4000 rupees. They offer the most reasonable tour packages you can find so please go visit it.

Saturday, January 15, 2022


Gate of Bhanbore Fort

Situated around 65 km east of Karachi is Banbhore, one of the most captivating and secretive verifiable attractions in Sindh. The site is regularly spelled as "Bambhore" and has played a huge role throughout the entire existence of Islam in South Asia. As per the discoveries of certain history specialists, the site of Bhanbore has the remainders of the old city of Debal or Daybul. It is a similar city where Raja Dahir, an acclaimed Hindu leader of the time, was crushed by the Arab officer Muhammad bin Qasim, who was a gutsy Muslim champion in the Islamic and political history of the subcontinent.

Then again, according to a few other archeological records, the historical backdrop of Bhanbhore has ended up being far more seasoned than the historical backdrop of Islam, tracing all the way back to the primary century BC. Assuming we collect every one of the authentic records together, we reach the resolution that the site was managed by Scytho-Parthian (from first century BC to the second century AD), Hindu-Buddhist (from second century AD to the eighth century AD), and Islamic Rulers in South Asia (from eighth century AD to the thirteenth century AD). There are the remaining parts of an old mosque with an engraving, which is accepted to be north of 1200 years of age. It is found on the eastern side of Bhanbore and is, no doubt, one of the most all around safeguarded instances of the most established mosques in the area.

One of the most unmistakable milestones on the site is a 10-meter tall hill situated close to the shore of Gharo Creek. Bhanbhore once facilitated a completely functional port known as 'Debal Port', which traces all the way back to as old as the middle age time frame. Clearly, the port isn't utilitarian any longer yet its set of experiences actually astounds a many individuals. Since the primary wellspring of the consumable water supply of this old city was River Indus, the destiny of the city was extraordinarily reliant upon the progression of this waterway. Along these lines, when Indus shifted its direction in the thirteenth century, the city was deserted and was never possessed again. The classic story of Sassi and Punnu is likewise connected with this traveler objective in Sindh and it is frequently called "the city of two sweethearts".

Sindh Coastal Highway goes through the city of Bhanbore, making it one of the most effectively available vacation spots in Sindh. Connected with National Highway 5, it is likewise the best course to take in the event that you want to visit this archeological site from Karachi. Sunway Lagoon, one of the most popular water parks in Karachi, is additionally a ways off of only 16 km from the site of Bhanbore. Additionally, assuming you will remain in Bhanbhore, the convenience is accessible at Bhanbhore Rest House, which has been as of late redesigned. You can lease a space for a night in Bhanbore Rest House for as low as PKR 1,500. The temperatures in Bhanbore can reach up to 45 degrees Celsius, and that implies winter is the best an ideal opportunity to visit the site.

Location: Coast of Debal Beach, 65 km from Karachi

Entry Fee: Starting from as low as PKR 10/- 

Timings: 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM

Ranikot Fort

The Wall of Sindh


Considered as a real part of the most superb and puzzling spots in Pakistan that tumble off in an unexpected direction, Ranikot post is found in no place in one of the most segregated locales of Jamshoro District in Sindh. Standing wonderfully to date, the stronghold of Ranikot is otherwise called 'The Great Wall of Sindh'. It is likewise accepted to be the biggest stronghold on the planet as the outline of the post extraordinarily gauges around 32 km. The historical backdrop of this stronghold traces all the way back to the main quarter of the nineteenth century. The fortress dividers are designed all over according to the regular forms of the sloping fields and component semi-roundabout strongholds at various spans, adding to the magnificence of the outside.

The stronghold divider is just on the three sides of the construction, while the fourth side, which is the northern side, is covered with the grand pinnacles of the raised hillocks. Subsequent to going around 5-6 miles inside the limit divider, you would go over a little fort, around 5-6 which is accepted to be the illustrious home for the decision group of Mirs. At the entry of the post from the southern side, there is a twofold entryway door. As you enter the post, you'll track down several flawlessly enlivened trimmings, designed with cut stones and flower plans. Upon your visit to the fortress, you would see that its entire engineering contains just stone and lime, making it one of the most special traveler objections in Sindh.

Assuming that you are coming from Karachi, you can helpfully arrive at the fortress by going through the course of National Highway 5. When you withdraw from Karachi, you really want to make a beeline for Dadu through the Indus Highway. Since it is one of the main intercity road links of Pakistan, the road is in superb condition. It's very nearly an extended excursion to get to San, a modest community of Sindh. As you go somewhat further from the town you will run over a redirection. There you will be welcomed by a corroded board, which reports that you are somewhere in the range of thirty km from Ranikot.

Remember that the street prompting the verifiable fortification is in a feeble condition. This creates the distance somewhat longer for you and it very well may be shrouded in 30 to 40 minutes. It would lead you to the town of Meeri, after which you really want to cover a distance of a few km. Leave your vehicle and begin strolling through a misleading way for a couple of meters. This is the means by which you can arrive at the eastern side of the fortress through this off-beaten track. After arriving at your objective, you can climb uphill along the limit dividers of the stronghold to partake in the all encompassing perspective on the scene. On the two sides as it offers an all encompassing perspective on the scene. Be that as it may, in the event that you are getting ready for a short term visit close to the post, you can likewise make a booking at an as of late built Sindh Tourism Development Corporation (STDC) visitor house, which is furnished with every one of the vital highlights to work with your visit.

Location: Ranikot Fort Road, Jamshoro

Timings: Open 24 hours

Keenjhar Lake

A beautiful sunny day at Keenjhar Lake


Keenjhar Lake, prominently known as Kalri Lake, is one of the absolute most fiercely misjudged vacationer locations in Sindh. Stretching out north of 134 km sq, it is the second-biggest freshwater lake in Pakistan. It is a man-made supply framed because of the development of a dike, which brought about the association of two lakes: Sonehri and Keenjhar just as numerous nearby streams that channel into the lake to shape a huge water body. The lake has been pronounced as a natural life asylum and fills in as a protected living space for some nearby and transient bird species including ibises, terns, egrets, fogies, geese, ducks, herons, flamingos, cormorants, waders, and gulls.

To get to this traveler objective in Sindh from Karachi, you really want to travel a distance of around 100 km, which will take you an hour or so assuming that you are going at a speed of 80-90 km. The best course to take while venturing out to Keenjhar Jheel is the course of National Highway 5, which is a 1819 km long roadway stretching out from Karachi to Torkham in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Travelers to Keenjhar Jheel can serenely remain at Keenjhar Lake Resort, which have been by Sindh Tourism Development Corporation as one of the public-private organization activities to advance the travel industry in Sindh. A very much kept up with resort can be reserved for around 8k to 10k per day. Nonetheless, you might have to check the accessibility of the hotel and book it online ahead of time with the assistance of their web based booking administration. You can even wrap up your excursion to this cookout spot in Sindh with a good supper accessible at Noori Restaurant, which is a piece of Keenjhar Lake Resort.

To partake in a new catch, then, at that point, Keenjhar Lake is the spot you should be as it is viewed as one of the most well known fishing spots close to Karachi. Truth be told, as per a new turn of events, Abdul Bari Pitafi, who is the minister of animals and fisheries office in Sindh, headed a drive close to 12 months back that ended up being an obstacle venture for the recovery of fishing in Keenjhar. The undertaking was done in a few stages where around 600,000 seeds of fish were delivered in the lake's water. Aside from fishing, you can enjoy other fun open air exercises like swimming, sailing, and stream skiing. On a side note, dusk by the lakeside additionally looks hypnotizing.

Location: Situated around 36 km north of Thatta

Timings: Open 24 hours 

Mohenjo Daro

The Great Stupa Mound

The city of Mohenjo Daro is perhaps the most popular UNESCO World Heritage Site found in Pakistan. According to the discoveries of archeologists, the historical backdrop of Mohenjo Daro is millennia old, tracing all the way back to 26th century BC. This antiquated city was a piece of the major metropolitan settlement of the Indus Valley Civilization, otherwise called Harappan Civilization. Mohenjo Daro is a word gotten from Sindhi, a language expressed locally in the area, and that signifies 'Hill of the Dead'.

For over 3,700 years, the antiquated site of Mohenjo Daro stayed unseen. In any case, a few obstruction discoveries during the 1920s prompted enormous scope unearthing that at last uncover the archeological jewel of Mohenjo Daro. The removal exercises were driven by John Marshall, who was the then Director-General of Archeological Survey of India.

A good ways off of 5 km from the Mohenjo Daro air terminal, the superb 5000-year-old vestiges are undeniably found away from the buzzing about of any metropolitan region of the territory. Mohenjo Daro is additionally considered as a real part of the most well known verifiable attractions in Sindh from where numerous antiquated relics have been uncovered. These incorporate various sorts of devices produced using materials like stone and copper, figures, estimating instruments like equilibrium scale and loads, gems articles, and toys. These ancient pieces are shown in the Mohenjo Daro gallery, which is situated a ways off of around 800 meters from the archeological city of Mohenjo Daro.

Going via air from Karachi to Mohenjo Daro will require no less than 60 minutes. Nonetheless, because of the absence of cutting edge highlights and framework, just more modest airplane can land and take off from here. The pace of a single direction airfare to/from Mohenjo Daro is around PKR 6,000, which shifts from one aircraft to another. Assuming you are visiting the recorded site by street from Karachi, it will be a six-hour drive. Essentially, you can likewise take a train from Karachi to Dokri, which is an unassuming community situated a ways off of 7 km from Mohenjo Daro.

Location: 38 km south of Larkana City

Entry Fee: PKR 10 for locals and PKR 200 for foreigners

Timings: 8 am till 7 pm (from April to September) and 9 am till 5 pm (from October to March)

Gorakh Hill Station


The Murree of Sindh

One of the most well known hill stations in Pakistan, Gorakh Hill is among the places of interest in Sindh that satisfy everyone's expectations. Found inside the core of Sindh in Dadu District, the hill station is incredibly situated at a height of 5,688 ft (1,734 m) above ocean level and is famously known as the 'Murree of Sindh.' Gorakh Hill was first found during the British Rule during the 1860s, which was totally evolved and sent off as a hill station over 10 years after the fact in 1989.

Experience searchers from everywhere the nation come here to partake in the stunning all encompassing normal perspectives that the hill station brings to the table just as stargazing around evening time with unique huge fire plans. To work with the sightseers visiting the locale, there is a campground, a café, and an inn. Since the quantity of guests to the spot is developing as time passes, plans to redesign the course to the Gorakh Hill Station are ready to go to make this vacationer location in Sindh effectively open. It is found 94 km from the city of Dadu.

Assuming you have plans to visit Gorakh Hill from Karachi, you can talk with many voyaging organizations offering trip bundles for the hill station. Food, convenience, setting up camp hardware, and transport are presented on these visits. Because of high rise, Gorakh Hill observers fascinating climate designs over time.

It is perhaps the coldest locale in Sindh with temperatures dipping under zero in winters and going to a limit of 20 degrees throughout the late spring season. A 2-roadtrip to Gorakh might cost you around PKR 6,500 to PKR 7,500. The visit cost might differ contingent upon the office you pick. The separation from Karachi to Gorakh is 403 km, which is a drive of around 7 hours. For your excursion to Gorakh Hill, a 4×4 vehicle will be the most appropriate vehicle.

Location: 94 km Northwest of Dadu City

TimingsOpen 24 hours


Why you should visit Pakistan at least once

Pakistan is rich in its traveler destinations. The country is home to the oldest civilizations within the world, has innumerable locations of scenic beauty, world’s highest mountains, many non-secular and historic places, distinctive arts and crafts and an upscale culture and heritage.

Pakistan is home to variety of UN agency world heritage sites like, archaeological Ruins at Mohenjo-Daro, Buddhist Ruins of Takht-i-Bahi and neighbor town Remains, Fort and Shalimar Gardens, Historical Monuments at Taxila.


Cultural Diversity

Pakistan has four provinces, with each having its own culture, traditions, non-standard speech and palette of food and art. This cultural diversity stems from the ethnic variation inflicting it to possess profound and long lasting effects on the whole culture as a whole. If you travel across the entire country, crossover to every totally different province is sort of like aiming to a brand new country wherever you'll notice the distinction within the means folks look, dress, speak and behave. This diversity is what enriches vary} of food we tend to have, the nice range of music and instruments we play, the enriched variety of songs and literature we tend to scan furthermore because the nice range of native dialects we own. It’s a really fascinating expertise as results of you’re able to experience a mess of distinctive cultures underneath the umbrella of one collective culture, creating your trip a lesson in diversity.

Traditional Foods

The food in Pakistan is known for its specialized use of all styles of herbs and spices. Each ancient dish could be a special concoction whose formula has been formed through generations to administer it an ideal taste. every dish, whether or not it's lentils or chicken roast or perhaps lamb needs to be seasoned and seared to perfection, and thus once the ultimate dish is ready it is a pleasure to eat every single bite. The country is additionally famous for its distinctive sweets referred to as ‘Mithai’, sweet product created with native recipes and screw-topped with an assortment of nuts. Pakistan is known for its agriculture and thus you must be ready to style the sort of organic fruits and vegetables you'll be able to solely dream of.    

Handicrafts of Pakistan


This country has such an abundance of craftsmen that are so marvelously experienced at manufacturing sure product as a result of they need learned a selected ability from their fathers, who successively learned it from their fathers. There are superbly woven carpets that take over six months to form thanks to the complexness of the styles adorned on them. There are splendid embroideries done on all varieties of clothes, special jewelry is additionally move perfection mistreatment hands rather than machines. Utensils made up of copper and silver follow a similar pattern of distinctive craftsmanship, creating the country a haven for hand-crafted handicrafts that don't seem to be offered during this selection anyplace else within the world.


Spiritual Attraction of Mosques

During the centuries that the Mughals reigned over the sub-continent, they employed the foremost illustrious artists and designers of the time to make marvelous mosques that are still as wonderful as they were in their heyday, like the Wazir Khan house of worship and therefore the the} Badshahi house of worship in Lahore. There’s also Emperor House of worship in Sindh that was commissioned by the emperor Shah Jahan and is created entirely out of marble. The architecture, minarets and exquisite design in the course of unflawed calligraphy, make these mosques a beaux arts marvel that ought to be old first-hand.

Khudaband Mosque


Shah Faisal Masjid

The beauty of Truck Art

Anyone who visits Pakistan is totally blown away by the attractive art that fills all the trucks. These fantastically embellished trucks became a widespread illustration of Pakistani culture. There is a complete sub-culture that revolves round the ornamentation of them and there are special artisans skillful within the art to which this task is assigned. There are  bright colors and designs, symbols and emblems, known lines of poetry and endless birds and flowers inscribed on all the massive trucks that traverse the roads of the country day and night, carrying product from one place to another. You will never ever see a truck that's not a chunk of distinctive art and every truck may be a colorful illustration of the thriving culture of Pakistan. The Truck Art of Pakistan is also famous in different countries such as Canada, Australia and UK.

Truck Art

Truck Art