
Monday, January 17, 2022



Gwadar is a port city of Pakistan; it has natural deep-water terrain along its border to build the port. the region of Gwadar which is 170 sqkm was owned by kingdom of mascot and Oman. In 1954 American geological survey find its hidden potential, so in 1958 Pakistan bought this piece of land adjacent to their border from Oman, but due to political instability they could not develop this port.in 2013 Pakistan made an agreement with Chinese government to develop this port and road from China to Gwadar as a part op their one road one belt initiative, and name this project as CPEC. From that on Gwadar city development is going on a very fast pace. This is a very crucial and strategic location for Pakistan, because of which, the Baloch separatist groups have attacked it multiple times to hinder its development. The security of this mega project is handled by Pak Army.

Places for visit: -

Gwadar has very beautiful places to visit, Marine drive, it is a road on the bank of the Arabian sea in Gwadar city people often go there to enjoy the walk-in sea breeze. Pakistan army has recently constructed a cricket stadium in Gwadar in the leap of Mount Batil, it views is majestic. This stadium was given the most beautiful cricket stadium in the world because of its natural beauty features. Another view point is on the top of Mount Batil, where the Pakistani flag waves all year around, this point is known as Flag Post, to go there you have to go through the military check point, and to pass that you do need a recommendation from the authorities, it a hassle but its worth the effort because the view you get from the top Mount Batil is extraordinary. You can pretty much see the whole of Gwadar city and the sea.

Boat building: -

Another attraction for tourist is the boat building site, where you will find locals building small to large wooden boats, it very mesmerizing to see getting every thing done with hand. Some of the larger boat take a year to build completely.

Omani Fort: -

Another imported place at Gwadar which is worth visiting are the Omani Forts, which are hundreds of years old, but they are not preserved by the authorities and look like an abandoned place, still it gives an aura of longevity, you can even find the old abandoned canons in the fort. one bigger fort has a proper entering but other one doesn’t have one, you will have to climb through the window which is 9 feet above the ground.

Beaches: -

Another tourist attraction is the hammerhead beach and the turtle beach, it is called turtle beach because in breeding season turtles came here to lay eggs, their number has decreased due to global warming and increased footfall but they still come. People go there to watch the sun set; it is called the best place to watch sun set in Gwadar.

Tips: -

Gwadar is quiet far from any other big city, and there is not a lot of infrastructure along the way, so when you are leaving for Gwadar make sure your transport vehicle is in good condition, you have the spare tires and your fuel tank is full. Also buy or bring some food to eat along the way. Gwadar is 650Km away from Karachi so it is not very economical to go on your own transport, it is better to go through the tour agency, for that I would recommend tour.pk, where you can easily find the most reasonable and affordable package. this place is worth the effort to visit.