
Monday, January 17, 2022

National Parks in Baluchistan


 Hangol National Park: -

Hangol National Park is the largest national park of Pakistan located near Makran coastal line. Its area is 6100 square kilometers. Its unique feature is that it is consist of six different ecosystems in this small area, it has desert, forest, river, streams and cost line. It is home to some extremely endangered wildlife that is not found anywhere on earth, for example you can find blind dolphin in its coastal region which is unique to this region. Green and olive turtles came to the beach everyday in the month of august to lay their eggs but recently due to climate change and pollution their numbers are decreasing. Its ponds and water bodies became a stop for migratory birds in migration season. Its swamps are also home to some 60 crocodiles. It is home to 257 plant species and 289 animal species. Some of the animals living here includes Persian leopard, Indian wolf, golden jackal, stripped hyena, Sindh ibex, urial, vultures, eagles etc.

This National Park is also famous for its unique rock formations, among which the most famous are the princess of hope, which look like a woman standing and looking at the distant sea, its name was given by Angelina Julie when she came to Pakistan to on UN humanitarian mission, and second is the Balochi sphinx which look like a lion sitting exactly like the one built in Egypt. Nani Mandir is one of the most famous destinations for Hindu’s pilgrimage, 250,000 Hindus came every spring to visit and pray in this temple.20 to 30 thousand people are reported to attend the annual event each year.  This temple is reported to be thousands of years old.

Hazarganji-chiltal National Park


Hazarganji Chiltan National Park is a national park in the Mastung District. This National Park was established in 1980 to provide a safe habitat to the chiltan ibex found in the area to save them from the hunters and poachers. It is spread over 327000 acres of land, and it is only 20 Km away from the provincial capital of Baluchistan, Quetta. This park is located in Suleiman Mountain range, it has two types of eco systems, which are desert and Forest. Wild life in this National Park consists of 30 species of mammals and 30 species of reptiles, which consist of shikra, golden eagle, ibex, vultures, wolf, jackals etc. in the protection of these sanctuaries endangered species are flourishing and growing well. Management should make sure to protect the ecosystem from any kind of foreign invasive species.

Some of its area is open for short safari ride, people who visit Quetta, definitely go to Hanna lake and Hazargangi national park. They have a restaurant their to serve the visitors.

Ziarat juniper forest: -

Ziarat is home to biggest forest of juniper in Pakistan. Its mountains are covered in juniper forest because the juniper tree grow in the altitude of 2000 to 3000 meters from the sea level, where the temperature is cold and the climate is arid. This forest is spread across 113,000 hectors of land. The locals of ziarat have been using this forest as the source of fire wood and timber for centuries but now with the increase of population the forest can’t keep up with the demand and it is being consumed faster than it is replenishing itself. The government of Pakistan has declared it as a national heritage to protect it from being destroyed because some of the trees here are 6000 to 7000 years old because of this they are also known as living fossils. It is also home to some the rare sub species of juniper such as Pashtun juniper.