
Monday, January 17, 2022





Region of Ziarat was a part of Sibi District but in 1986 it was declared to be a separate district. It is a place rich in natural beauty. It is mostly a mountainous region filled with snober forest. It contains the biggest forest of snober trees in Pakistan and second largest in the world with the area of 113,000 hectors. It is also extremely rich in wild life as well. Due to its height from sea level the region is mildly cold in summer and cover in snow in winter, it has continental climate. The people of ziarat are extremely welcoming, people visiting ziarat often mention their polite attitude and hospitality. It is land of apple fruit groves; locals often invite visitors passing by to their groves to eat apples and other fruits as much as they like. You can easily find a fruit tree in the wild as well.

Quaid Residency: -


Ziarat is also famous for the Quaid-e-Azam residency also known as Ziarat residency where Muhammad Ali Jinnah spend land two and half moths of his life. This place also has an history of its own, in July 2013 it became a target of a terrorist rocket attack and a lot of its structure was destroyed but it was later rebuilt and inaugurated by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. It is preserved the way it used to during Jinnah’s stay. This residence also has its own art gallery consisting of some very rare pictures of    Quaid-e-Azam and his family. Many people know ziarat because of this residency. It has been given the status of national heritage.

Zero Point: -

Another famous visiting point in ziarat is zero point, it is the highest peak in ziarat, from where you can see a lot of mountain tops and view is really eye catching. The journey to zero point is also very interesting as well because it consists of very steep road, and on the way, you can find a very famous stay point, where, there is tree which is hundreds of years old and it looks exactly like it written Allah in Arabic, many people go to visit this location. The region of ziarat has a lot more to offer to its visitors but due to limited infrastructure, especially road people can’t reach to locations because to mountainous terrain.

Tips and Tricks: -

Mostly people go to ziarat from Quetta, provincial capital of Baluchistan. And its is approximately 126 Km away from Quetta which took roughly 3 hours to reach their and there are not a lot of facilities along the way, so if you are going on your own transport make sure to check air in your car tires, make sure you a spare tire and tools for any case of emergency. You should have your fuel tank full and you should also buy some food to eat along the way. It is a place worth going. Or you can book a trip through trip.pk it will be extremely economic and secondly you will not have to worry about any thing because it will be taken care off by the trip organizers. To enjoys some of the view that you normally can’t I would suggest you bring a drone with you for the ariel shot because the beauty of this terrain from the ariel view in believable. If you are travelling from Punjab or any other place to ziarat make sure that you dress and pack things according to the weather in ziarat. Apart from Ziarat city, other regions are scarcely populated, and because of rough terrain some time mobile signals don’t work their so it better if get a map or plan before hand, the locations you want to visit and plan accordingly, or hire a local tour guide.