
السبت، 15 يناير 2022

Mohenjo Daro

The Great Stupa Mound

The city of Mohenjo Daro is perhaps the most popular UNESCO World Heritage Site found in Pakistan. According to the discoveries of archeologists, the historical backdrop of Mohenjo Daro is millennia old, tracing all the way back to 26th century BC. This antiquated city was a piece of the major metropolitan settlement of the Indus Valley Civilization, otherwise called Harappan Civilization. Mohenjo Daro is a word gotten from Sindhi, a language expressed locally in the area, and that signifies 'Hill of the Dead'.

For over 3,700 years, the antiquated site of Mohenjo Daro stayed unseen. In any case, a few obstruction discoveries during the 1920s prompted enormous scope unearthing that at last uncover the archeological jewel of Mohenjo Daro. The removal exercises were driven by John Marshall, who was the then Director-General of Archeological Survey of India.

A good ways off of 5 km from the Mohenjo Daro air terminal, the superb 5000-year-old vestiges are undeniably found away from the buzzing about of any metropolitan region of the territory. Mohenjo Daro is additionally considered as a real part of the most well known verifiable attractions in Sindh from where numerous antiquated relics have been uncovered. These incorporate various sorts of devices produced using materials like stone and copper, figures, estimating instruments like equilibrium scale and loads, gems articles, and toys. These ancient pieces are shown in the Mohenjo Daro gallery, which is situated a ways off of around 800 meters from the archeological city of Mohenjo Daro.

Going via air from Karachi to Mohenjo Daro will require no less than 60 minutes. Nonetheless, because of the absence of cutting edge highlights and framework, just more modest airplane can land and take off from here. The pace of a single direction airfare to/from Mohenjo Daro is around PKR 6,000, which shifts from one aircraft to another. Assuming you are visiting the recorded site by street from Karachi, it will be a six-hour drive. Essentially, you can likewise take a train from Karachi to Dokri, which is an unassuming community situated a ways off of 7 km from Mohenjo Daro.

Location: 38 km south of Larkana City

Entry Fee: PKR 10 for locals and PKR 200 for foreigners

Timings: 8 am till 7 pm (from April to September) and 9 am till 5 pm (from October to March)

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